Welcome to
Dr. Sagar's
IB World
of Science
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Inquire. Grow. Transform:
The Path to IB Excellence
I specialise in Physics (Science) for MYP years. I'm so excited to be teaching you this year, and can't wait to get to know each one of you better.
For now, explore the hub to know more about me, my teaching philosophy and get a feel of what the year ahead has in store for us.
What is an IB education? |
Established in 1968, the IB offers four programmes & provides an international education continuum for students aged 3 to 19 year old, emphasizing critical engagement, stimulating ideas, and effective relationships.
IB MISSION - IB aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who contribute to a better and peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
Learner's Profile
The Vision of IB Programme
The primary goal of all International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes is to cultivate globally minded individuals who acknowledge their shared humanity and responsibility in safeguarding the planet. By doing so, they contribute to creating a more harmonious and peaceful world.
IB seeks to motivate and encourage students to develop these attributes:
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IB Programmes
The International Baccalaureate (IB) offers four main educational programs aimed at developing the intellectual, personal, emotional, and social skills needed to live, learn, and work in a rapidly globalizing world. These programs are:
1. Primary Years Programme (PYP): {Age Range: 3-12 years}
2. Middle Years Programme (MYP): {Age Range: 11-16 years}
3. Diploma Programme (DP): {Age Range: 16-19 years}
4. Career-related Programme (CP): {Age Range: 16-19 years}
Approaches to Teaching
My Unit Planner
My Unit Planner (Sample)
This unit plan has been designed based on the GRASP model. GRASPS is a model for demonstrating performance of understanding using authentic assessments. It is one of many performance of understanding models, but is ideally suited to the kind of project-based inquiries we do in our curriculum. GRASPS represents a framework for organizing, delivering, and assessing project-based assessments, ensuring that students can apply their knowledge and skills in real-world contexts. This approach enhances student engagement and deepens their understanding of the subject matter.
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Dr. Sagar better)
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